Evaluation of Acute Toxicity of the Methanolic Extract of Dhatryadi Ghrita in Wistar Rats

Rashmi Saxena Pal*, Amrita Mishra
Department of Pharmacy, NH-2, Bhauti, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

© 2019 Pal and Mishra.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Pharmacy, NH-2, Bhauti, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India; Tel: +9129826459;



Dhatryadi ghrita consists of dhatri, is known to have number of curative properties since ages. It does not causes any toxic or adverse effect, but there is no scientific evidence available.


The present piece of research is aimed to study the toxic effects in order to lay down the safety parameters of methanolic extract obtained from Dhatryadi Ghrita in wistar rats (180-200g) as per the standards set by The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD.

Materials and Methods:

Group 1 was used as a control for comparing the behavior of rats from all groups which were administered extracts of different concentrations. The animals in Group 2 were administered a dose of 1000, Group 3, 2000, and Group 4, 3000, respectively in the units of mg/kg and Group 5 were given a dose of 4000 mg/kg accordingly.


The acute toxicity studies of the experiment dealing with different doses as varying from 1000-4000 mg/kg, which did not resulted in any death of any animal till 14 days of observation in the experimentation period.


Dhatryadi Ghrita is safe in rodent and mice. Hence, the extract is safer for therapeutic use in pharmaceutical formulations. Ghrita in different concentrations were found to be completely safe and non-toxic under acute toxicity studies.

Keywords: Acute, Toxicity, Ghrita, Dhatryadi, Curative properties , Methanolic extract.